Sandy Hook Promise Foundation is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt public charity, EIN: 46-1657101. Your donation is tax-deductible.
The following are additional donation options:
Stock Donation or Planned Gift to SHP: Please supply your financial institution or advisor with the following account information:
Sandy Hook Promise Foundation
Charles Schwab Account No. 1730-4823
DTC# 0164To let us know about your impending stock gift or if you have any questions, please email us at donate@sandyhookpromise.org or call us at (203) 304-9780.
Donor Advised Funds: SHP is pleased to accept gifts via Donor Advised Funds (DAFs). For more information on making these contributions, please use our DAF form or contact development-team@sandyhookpromise.org.
Wire Transfer: SHP is pleased to accept gifts via wire trasnfer and ACH. For more information on making these contributions, please contact development-team@sandyhookpromise.org.
Support our SHP Action Fund: Non-tax-deductible fund dedicated to advocating for state and federal policy changes in the areas of mental health and wellness and gun safety and access.
If you prefer to make a donation by check, please make it payable to:
Sandy Hook Promise Foundation
PO Box 3489
Newtown, CT 06470