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Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization, EIN 46-1665232. Your donation is not tax deductible and will support our public policy and educational campaigns to prevent gun violence.
Additional ways to support the Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund:
Donate by Check: Please make it payable to:
Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund
PO Box 3489
Newtown, CT 06470 -
Stock Donation or Planned Gift: Please supply your financial institution or advisor with the following account information:
Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund
Charles Schwab Account No. 4540-6195
DTC# 0164To let us know about your impending stock gift or if you have any questions, please email us at donate@sandyhookpromise.org or call us at (203) 304-9780.
Sandy Hook Promise Foundation (SHP) additional donation options:
Sandy Hook Promise Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.
Celebratory or Memorial Gift: Make a tax-deductible donation to SHP in honor of a friend or family member.
Support our SHP Foundation: Tax-deductible fund dedicated to building a national network of Promise Communities committed to Parent Together and implement mental wellness, community and gun safety programs.